A Different Approach

In today’s ever changing business environment, your stakeholders demand more for less. If you are like 95% of our clients, your day-to-day responsibilities have you and your team at full capacity already. Utilizing the services of an outside consultancy takes the pressure off of your team while delivering superior results.



Unique Solutions

We recognize and understand business drivers and the challenges businesses face to deliver value to their constituents. We can separate the wheat from the chaff to validate or disprove the marketing fluff associated with various mainstream or emerging technologies, help you align your Go-to-market strategy with incentive programs to drive the desired outcome, and advise on new client acquisition approaches.  Our team has helped organizations win millions of dollars in new client contracts, profitably.



Quality Over Quantity

We are extremely selective when we match our consultants to clients.  While you are hiring us to drive results, results are best driven within the context of a long term relationship of trust.  Our clients retain CommVisory and leverage our capabilities over and over again because of the continued value and insight we deliver to their business.


Our Talented Consultants

As President & Principal Consultant, Candice Sherman formed CommVisory to leverage her 25+ years of business expertise and problem solving prowess.   As a Senior Executive in a $12B enterprise she oversaw numerous business transformations initiatives.

Some succeeded and some failed, but she learned as much from the failed initiatives as the successful ones.

She brings a unique perspective working in PE and publicly traded organizations.  And as a trusted advisor, passionate leader, and change agent she has helped numerous businesses transform their approach to the market to drive new revenue sources and optimize their current revenue streams.